My Earth System Pledge about Climatology

The “Earth System Pledge” is one of the projects held during the International Earth Science Olympiad, which requests students to write a short production explaining how they would like to use their knowledge and skills in the future. The article posted below is my pledge. There is a limit for words to be written, hence I choose to express and describe my interest in a specific subject, Climatology.

I’ve always been fascinated by the complexity and sophistication of our climate system. It has constantly undergone changes during the geological history – there were ice ages, high temperatures, and millions of years of heavy rain. This leads some to conclude that, today’s “slight” temperature rise is not likely to impose considerable influences on humans. However, global warming is more than just a simple increase in temperature. Its effects are felt across all Earth systems: rising sea levels flood coastal areas; Disrupted weather systems bring more frequent extreme days; Species are forced to adapt to changing living conditions, and some are even threatened with extinction……

Under the background of climate change, can we, fragile human beings, successfully adapt to the great change in the ecological system we live by? That’s the question I pledge to answer in the future. To this end, I will learn to reconstruct the historical climate change model using evidence such as ice cores and foraminifer; I will use computer tools to analyze its potential impacts and future trends; I will assess and practice existing mitigation strategies including carbon neutrality and pollution reduction, while also dedicate in designing other mitigation measures; Last but not least, I will focus on the social context behind climate change, striving to ensure the interests of more stakeholders.

With the allegiance to this planet, I pledge to work with thousands of earth scientists together, to study its history, focus on its present, and eventually, create its future.

Ziyan Fang, China
