Winning Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal in the International Earth Science Olympiad Representing China!!!

The 15th IESO (International Earth Science Olympiad) was hosted by Aosta, Italy, from August 25 to 31. More than 200 contestants from 41 countries and regions took part in it, enjoying the seven events held during the olympiad. After national open round, final round and training camp selection, I was honored to become a national team member and participate in the national competition representing China with other 7 teammates. In the 4 competitions which there are gold, silver, and bronze medals to be awarded, I was glad to win gold medal in NTFI (National Team Field Investigation) , gold medal in ELSI (Earth Learning Students’ Ideas)(also called “excellent” in this program), silver medal in DMT (Data Mining Test) and bronze medal in ESP (Earth System Project) . My total medal count ranks first in Team China. The following is my award certificates, whilst the detailed introduction of and my production for each event will be presented in the following articles.
